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Prime  Male 

TestoSTERONE booster

Low testosterone level is a very commonly found issue in fatigue men from all around the world. This condition immensely affects your daily life.  As a result, you will face multiple physical problems.


In short, low levels of testosterone affect every major aspect of a man’s life. The Prime Male is a powerful testosterone boosting supplement which helps you.


Going by this it is natural that there are several testosterone boosting supplements available in the market. But do they all work? Are they all reliable?


Unfortunately, most of such supplements in the market don’t work. Some of them are totally ineffective while some don’t come with side effects that actually do you more harm than good.

We have done a detailed review and we strongly feel that the Prime Male is one of the best testosterone boosters available.


Its most remarkable feature is its composition of 12different testosterone boosting ingredients all of which come with strong scientific evidence and research.


Studies have revealed how the testosterone levels in a man decrease by 1% after the age of 30. With such an alarming reduction in testosterone synthesis, you need a powerful supplement to make that your testosterone levels are maintained at a steady and healthy state.


Prime Male Testosterone Booster is an all-natural Testosterone boosting supplement specifically designed for men over the age of 30 who have decreasing testosterone levels.


It contains 12 nutrients vital to helping men who have passed their Testosterone peak to keep their levels high naturally, even as they age.

The makers of Prime Male have conducted years of research into the ingredients which when combined actually stimulate the body’s natural Testosterone production process without prescription drugs or injections.


This is achieved partly through replacing vitamins and minerals which men are commonly deficient in, and partly through the use of natural products which have been proven to be effective at stimulating Testosterone production in the testes.


When supplementing with Prime Male, you can expect to see significant improvements in your male hormone levels within the space of a few short weeks, which in turn will benefit you in several aspects of your life.


Prime Male is a natural supplement, so don’t expect huge bulging biceps overnight – after all, this product works in-line with the body’s natural processes.


It does not force the body to push its Testosterone production beyond what is deemed healthy or normal. Nor is it a synthetic hormone pumped in against your body’s will whether it likes it or not.


Believe me, when I say, these are all good things, although understandably you will be impatient to see results fast. After all, aren’t we all?

So, what can you expect to happen?



Steady, solid, lean muscle growth, with no adverse side effects.



On Prime Male, you can expect your body to literally be primed for muscle growth.



You’ll still need to work out hard and eat well of course, but packing on that muscle tissue will be made much more possible with the help of Prime Male.

In addition to finding it easier to build muscle, you should see an improvement in several other areas of your life.


Your sex life, for instance, should get a boost. Testosterone isn’t only important for the growth of muscle – it makes you horny too!


As a result, you can expect to be wanting more action in the bedroom once you start taking Prime Male – and be warned, this can happen quite quickly!



Why Should you Use Prime Male?


Because Testosterone is important to a man’s mental health, users of Prime Male frequently report that their mood is lifted, depression is eased and they generally feel more of a lust for life.


This could be purely down to the increase in T-levels, but of course you’re also going to find an improvement to your general mental well-being if you’re feeling good about the way your training’s going, the way you look and the results you’re seeing.

Low Testosterone levels are one of the key influencers behind an increase in belly fat in men. This is particularly true after the age of around 35 – 40.


Commonly known as ‘middle-age spread’, the onset of this increase in fat around the organs coincides with the decrease in Testosterone.


Generally, the lower your T-levels get, the worse it becomes. That’s why it’s vital to keep your Testosterone levels pumping high as you age.


It is, essentially, the hormone which keeps a man feeling young, fit and virile. Of course, keeping your belly fat low also helps to protect you against health conditions such as type 2 diabetes and heart disease as you age.


Because Prime Male naturally increases your Testosterone levels, belly fat, low moods, weak muscles and loss of sex drive can all be reversed without the use of steroids.

Prime Male Ingredients Explained

Prime Male includes an impressive 12 active ingredients which have been proven to help combat Testosterone-loss in men over the age of 30.

These include:​


  • BioPerine® 10mg

  • Korean Red Ginseng 120mg

  • D-Aspartic Acid Calcium Chelate (D-AA-CC) 1600mg

  • Mucuna Pruriens (seed) extract 300mg

  • Luteolin 60mg

  • Boron 5mg

  • Magnesium 100mg

  • Nettle Root 160mg

  • Vitamin B6 7,5mg

  • Vitamin D3 5000IU

  • Vitamin K2 45mcg

  • Zinc 30mg

These ingredients when combined are a powerful force.


There are no fewer than 3 amino acids included which are frequently lacking in the average male body.


These amino acids are essential to triggering the release of one particular hormone – luteinizing hormone (LH). LH stimulates the testes to produce more Testosterone. That in itself would improve your chances of regaining satisfactory T-levels, but Prime Male doesn’t stop there.


Scores of men don’t tend to realize they are missing out on some key minerals in their diet, and unless you’re taking specialist male supplements it’s unlikely you’re the exception to the rule.


Boron, Magnesium, and Zinc are some of these important minerals – and they’re all included in male-appropriate quantities in Prime Male.


In a similar vein, the vitamins included in Prime Male are so essential to Testosterone production that even if you have a very slight deficiency, your levels are going to below. The longer any deficiency is allowed to continue, the lower your T-levels will go.


Little wonder then that with modern diet and lack of adequate supplementation, men worldwide are growing man boobs rather than muscle!

Prime Male is considered to be a revolutionary, exhaustively researched muscle building supplement with one very focused smash down the barriers to growth by opening your testosterone floodgates.


It's designed to naturally increase your testosterone level, which is the 'missing link' essential for building muscle, by providing your body with the nutrients it needs to naturally produce more testosterone.


But it gets better, because accelerated muscle growth isn't the only thing you'll benefit from with additional testosterone.

Real Muscle Growth

Naturally and safely increase your testosterone level, which is essential for real muscle growth.


Increase Strength

Increase muscle size and strength without resorting to countless feeble supplements.


Reduce Bodyfat

Can help to reduce bodyfat, including on your stomach.


Improve your Mood

Testosterone is known to improve mood, so it's easier to stay motivated and on track towards your goals.

It can be so frustrating...


You lift the iron, you chug your protein, you shovel down the latest hyped-up supplements...



Let's face it, you don't go to the gym, sweat bullets and eat till you're sick, just for the fun of it. You want the results, in fact you actually long for them, but you don't want big muscles just for the sake of it.


It's not actually about the muscles themselves, it's about how they make you feel and of course, how they make you look...


Powerful, confident and let's not forget...  sexy!


Unfortunately, as you've probably found out for yourself, it seems like there's something missing and whether you know it or not, the missing link is testosterone.


If you want to build an impressive physique, do not overlook the massive importance of this vital muscle building hormone.



You've tried countless vitamins, supplements, pills and potions, used every workout routine in the book and still... you just can't get those muscles to grow anywhere near as fast, or as big as you'd like


Without sufficient testosterone to trigger real, heavyweight muscle growth, you are destined to continue make feeble gains, no matter how hard you train or how much you eat.


Think of it like the foundations of your home. WITHOUT IT, YOU WOULDN'T EVEN HAVE YOUR HOME


Testosterone is the biological equivalent. It's an extremely essential hormone because it's the 'foundation' of many major biological functions.


Testosterone increases muscle mass. Testosterone works its muscle-building magic by increasing muscle protein synthesis.


Testosterone decreases body fat. As your testosterone levels decrease, your body’s ability to regulate fat metabolism, insulin and glucose also decreases, causing fat to accumulate.

To make matters worse more stored fat can push testosterone levels even lower, because body fat produces the enzyme aromatase, which can convert testosterone to estradiol, the predominant estrogen.


Higher testosterone levels mean lower estrogen levels, which are essential for real muscle growth. Also, Prime Male contains Oyster Extract which is extremely high in zinc, known to lower estrogen levels in the body.


Testosterone can boost competitiveness. Testosterone helps to boost our drive to win, as it's linked with our desire for power and status (Dabbs & Dabbs 2000). The more driven you are, the more motivated you'll be to train.


As if that wasn't enough, testosterone also helps the release of growth hormone, another incredibly important trigger for muscle growth. So you are effectively getting a double dose of growth when you raise your testosterone levels.


Think about it....The majority of steroidsare testosterone based.

That's what steroids do...they raise your testosterone levels.


And let's face it, if you could only take one 'supplement' to help you pack on the muscle, you'd probably choose steroids because they are so powerful.


But of course, steroids come at a price.


They're hard to source safely, they're expensive and have many serious health risks.


Not only that, with all the fake testosterone out there, could you say for certain exactly where it had come from?

Also, when you use synthetic testosterone (steroids), it can force your body to produce less of its own.


So steroids are certainly not the route to take to your perfect physique.


Obviously then, it makes much more sense to increase your testosterone levels in a powerful yet natural way.


And thanks to the fact that scientists are finally discovering the connection between certain nutrients and a boost in testosterone production, this is now so much easier.


Taking individual vitamins, minerals and co-enzymes etc, is all well and good, but you need 'compound' nutrition first, such as ensuring your body has the nutrients it needs for maximum testosterone production.


Increase your testosterone without harmful steroids and feel the growth!


Your muscles need testosterone way before they need the individual, latest hyped up nutrients

In case you're not convinced about that and still think you need 'Co-Enzyme 365/32' (Not real, but they always seem to have ridiculously complex names) more than testosterone, think about this:


People were packing on slabs of muscle way before the invention of the latest secret ninja nutrients, as long as their testosterone levels were sufficient!


Think of the legends from the 1970's such as Arnold Schwarzenegger, Frank Zane, Lou Ferrigno (The Incredible Hulk) and so many more with herculean physiques. Did they have $50 a pop micro nutrients?


No. They concentrated on simple, sensible nutrition, lots of protein, along with a focus on raising their testosterone levels and built some of the most famous and impressive physiques in history.


Raise YOUR testosterone level and keep it raised, and the muscle can pile on, it really is that simple. And one of the main reasons for this is that testosterone increases protein synthesis.


The bricks and mortar of muscles


Ok, so you're probably already aware that protein is essential to muscle growth.


Muscles need amino acids to build new fibres and that's where protein comes in, as it's made of amino acids. But there can be a huge difference in the amount of protein you consume and the amount of protein your body can actually use.


The more protein your body can use, the bigger and faster your muscles will grow and because testosterone helps to increase protein synthesis, it means more of the protein you consume will be used to build muscle.


Testosterone binds to androgen receptors in the muscle cells, stimulating protein synthesis and causing muscle growth. Not only that but it also helps to prevent muscle tissue breakdown, known as catabolism.


So here's the simple solution...increase your testosterone levels and you'll finally see the muscle piling on.

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