Instant Knockout
Instant Knockout can help you to raise your levels again, naturally and safely.​
The answer really is TESTOSTERONE...
Testosterone is very powerful. This one simple hormone can help to boost your energy levels, vamp up your sex life and ensure those endless hours at the gym have the desired effect: rippling, rock hard muscle.
But it's not just for those wanting to build an impressive physique. It's perfect for when you feel age catching up with you and you seem to have lost that spark.
With declining levels of testosterone, everything's an effort, you're lethargic, grumpy, you store fat far too easily and what little muscle you have seems to be disappearing by the day.
Boost your natural testosterone levels however, and all those feelings of lethargy and frustration at not being able to shift your gut will quickly disappear, as you begin to see the new and improved you.
You're probably thinking how is Instant Knockout any different from steroids and all the other new-fangled supplements on the market. Aren't their goals all the same – to build your muscles? To put it simply: yes they are.
However, unlike steroids, Instant Knockout is 100% naturally formulated.
No harmful chemicals. No high risk side effects. Instant Knockout works solely to stimulate your body’s own natural testosterone production.
By providing your body with this much needed testosterone you’ll soon experience an improvement in protein synthesis and muscle development.
The perfect combination for reigniting your sex life and keeping your body in tip top shape.
No longer will you be plagued with the blues. Instead you can benefit from heightened motivation and drive that will bring you faster results in the gym.
No more gut. No more flab. Only a flatter, firmer stomach.
Don't let testosterone levels define YOU​
Whether your Doctor has diagnosed you with having low testosterone levels or you are worried that this may be the case, you don’t have to let it shape who you are.
Nor do you have to let it send you down a synthetic, chemically induced path that will do more damage to your body than good.
Getting your body back on track is easier than you think. And we can prove it.
Take our following 3 key ingredients. All naturally sourced, each have been extensively tested and proven to stimulate your own testosterone production
All without a chemical in sight.
"Now middle-aged, I was overweight, out of shape, lacking energy and not happy with the way I looked. I'd let myself get this way because of a busy family life and by sitting in front of a computer every day for years.
I wanted to get back to my old self, I wanted to feel the way I did when I was in my twenties again.
I started researching online about muscle supplements, natural testosterone boosters and the different ingredients.
I found some conclusive studies behind D-aspartic acid and Vitamin D for boosting test levels naturally in men, that's when I came across Instant Knockout. It was rated number 1 by a lot of websites and had good reviews on forums.
I bought the 4 box deal and set myself a challenge, to get back in shape in just 4 months. Within a few weeks I could feel the difference, more energy and a lot more motivation to go to the gym and eat healthier.
As you can see from the pics I reached my goal and got the results with Instant Knockout, I look and feel great and I've got my confidence back." Paul McGiver
Instant Knockout is fast and convenient to use
Imagine if you could turn back the clock and feel more like you did in your youth?
No more feeling tired, achy, with a growing belly, man boobs and low sex drive. But instead filled with the energy, stamina and confidence to be the person YOU want to be.
With Instant Knockout you can do just that!
Simply combine Instant Knockout with a nutritious protein filled diet, and you too will soon have the drive to hit the gym, tone your body and attain the muscles you have always dreamed of.
However, if you are still having trouble believing that Instant Knockout can help you to achieve all this, then remember that we insist on taking all the risk and you are fully protected by our 90 day money back guarantee.
So you can order with complete confidence.
"You get loads of write ups of supplements from guys that are younger so I was nervous in trying something at my age being 53.
Then someone told me about Instant Knockout and looked it up saw the testimonials on the site and started thinking that maybe I should just give it a bash.
Was benching around 80kg before starting with Instant Knockout and doing up to 8 reps with that weight. Now after 3 months on the programme I am benching 140kgs.
Am training to total failure but the recovery time is unreal. Waist wise I have gone from a 44 to a tight 36, lose 38 depends on the trousers. I sleep so much better and it has improved my marriage in the bedroom (which I won't go into).
Do I recommend this product? For sure it took me way past my plateau I'm still getting stronger. I weighed 113kg when I started went right down and now increased to 118kg.
I have one chap on it from work and he is making a lot of progress and swears by it. It's not a gimmick, trust me. Read the full testimonial here..." Mark Bush
Testosterone Week: The Benefits of Optimal Testosterone
Are you wondering if testosterone pills have what it takes to get bigger, stronger, or faster? If so, you have come to the right place.
We have checked out the latest facts and information surrounding testosterone pills and testosterone supplements, looking to boost testosterone levels and sex drive, you can simply get your Testosterone level by simply doing a blood test.
Many individuals with low testosterone levels use testosterone supplementation to increase muscle mass, improve athletic performance, or to raise energy levels, among other additional uses.
This is natural in older men as part of aging and some of the symptoms of low testosterone are but not limited to not having the same body image as when you were younger and a decreased desire for sex.
Other types of steroids are available on the market, but testosterone has been a supplement used by individuals for generations.
This article will guide you through the benefits of testosterone pills, and their biological effects on the body. Enjoy as we look at what this supplement has been known to offer individuals struggling with low testosterone.
Testosterone affects your mood and muscle mass. remember when you were in your early 20’s and had high levels of testosterone and never felt tired, that was a health benefit from a high testosterone level.
In the United States, the American Urology has approved a testosterone treatment as they see a direct correlation to prostate cancer.
Testosterone pills are made up of a combination of natural and herbal components that improve the testosterone levels in men.
Micronutrients that have been proven to be beneficial on testosterone production include zinc, D-aspartic acid, vitamin D supplement, and Tribulus Terrestris.
These compounds are often times used in testosterone supplements to naturally increase the body’s testosterone production.
What Are the Benefits of Testosterone High Testosterone Levels?
The hormone responsible for increased muscle mass is testosterone. It helps achieve a leaner body mass by providing increased energy levels, resulting in additional fat burning.
According to research, men who possess low levels of testosterone are prone to increased body fat, reduced muscle mass, and reduced strength. The high presence of testosterone reverses the adverse situation in patients with hypogonadism.
Healthy heart and cardiovascular system
The rest of the body depends on the heart for in-flow and outflow of blood, nutrients, and oxygen. Testosterone increases the synthesis of erythrocytes via the bone marrow.
In addition to the bone disorders that come with low testosterone, low testosterone levels have also been linked to poor cardiovascular function.
While scientists are not certain about the results that should be expected when testosterone replacement therapy is used for men with heart disease, there has been some research conducted to realize how testosterone may be a potential benefit to these individuals.
Those who were subjected to the therapy improved their walking distance by 33%. Some of the improvements recorded were said to be due to the widening of arteries, which had no further impact on angina pain in the chest.
Healthier bones
Bone mineral density greatly depends on the level of testosterone in a man’s body. With age, testosterone levels drop, and the bones begin to weaken.
This is the reason for osteoporosis being common in old men. The higher the testosterone level, the healthier your bones are able to stay.
Weak bones can be treated with testosterone replacement therapy. When osteoporosis patients were subjected to a high dosage of testosterone, the results were positive.
There was an increase in bone density in the spinal and hip region. The only unknown factor is the effect of testosterone on fracture risk.
Improved verbal memory and spatial abilities
According to medical studies, male patients with higher levels of testosterone have a decreased probability of developing Alzheimer’s disease.
Testosterone levels and thinking abilities have a lot in common. Verbal memory, mental processing speed, and spatial memory increase in men (aged 34-40), when treated with testosterone.
Increase sex drive
Two of the major roles, which testosterone plays in the body are sexual arousal and sexual performance.
Testosterone levels are directly proportional to sexual performance in men: the higher the testosterone level, the greater the amount of sexual activity.
In senior individuals, testosterone supplementation may increase the motivation to engage in sexual activities.
But make no mistakes; most cases of erectile dysfunction aren’t due to low testosterone.
Two out of three cases are caused by other conditions unrelated to testosterone levels.
Note: There is a point where increased levels of testosterone stop providing additional benefits; there is a peak point of benefit from testosterone supplementation.
Enhanced mood
Testosterone has also been shown to play a significant role in an individual’s mood and general energy. Though prevalent in hypogonadism patients, symptoms such as irritability, depression, and fatigue are commonly observed in individuals with low testosterone levels.
The effects of TRP (testosterone replacement therapy) on mood differ from person to person. According to research, hypogonadism patients responded positively to TRP, and their mood improved as well. Based on the results, TRP is recommended as a treatment for depression.
In fact, the key is to actually eat more unsaturated fat.
Not all fats are good fats. Believe it or not unsaturated fats such as beef, lamb, dark chicken, lard and tropical oils will actually lower your cholesterol levels.
The fats responsible for clogging your arteries and provoking a wide range of cardio-vascular problems are polyunsaturated fats such as butter, margarine and pork fat.
Polyunsaturated fats are also known as trans fats. Avoid these fats at all costs.
Polyunsaturated fats will not only clog your arteries, they will lower your testosterone levels.
High testosterone levels are of paramount importance in building muscles mass.
Those lean and ripped chunks of muscles lining the walls of your abdomen will not fall from the sky. They are going to have to be built with tissues whose growth can only be stimulated by testosterones.
Testosterone keeps fat off your body by accelerating your metabolism.
It is also vital for circulation and the transportation of nutrients throughout the body.
Aiming for high T-levels is a crucial part of this program.
I’ll show you how to unlock the valves and get testosterone flowing through your bloodstream in unprecedented quantities.
You’ll learn about all the foods that stimulate the production of testosterone in your testicles and pituitary gland.
You should know by know that soy beans are major testosterone killers. Avoid soy beans at all costs.
Avoid Workouts that Cause Hormonal Disruptions.
The honest truth is that not all workouts are good for you... in fact, some of the most common ones we see in popular fitness magazines or blogs can actually harm your body’s hormone production.
On top of that, certain long or extremely intense workouts can over-train your body, triggering the production of stress hormones which causes you to store even more fat.
The bad news is that these are probably the most popular workouts.
Unfortunately, the majority of people perform exactly these workouts.
Maybe including yourself... but if you've tried them and you are still holding onto belly fat right now, then, it should be obvious to you that these exercises do not work.
Results are the only determining factor of the usefulness of any exercise.
#1 - Avoid Slow-paced Aerobic Exercise
Slow-paced Aerobic Exercises: Pay attention to all those fitness classes you see on TV and in late night infomercials. You never want to be a part of that nonsense.
I have very specifically said slow-paced aerobic exercises. These are bad.
What you need, are intermittent sessions of high intensity cardio. We are going to get to that later. Right now, you need to know what you have to avoid.
The US National Library of Medicine reports that, “leptin concentrations are reduced 48 hours after long-term aerobic exercise.”